My Grandma Webb...

Della Lena Luke Webb 1887-1959 Moses or Joseph? what was his name? born 1790 or so, he is my gggggrandfather...father to Alexander K Livingston , born 1833 Alabama...who was a traveling man, kids born all over the place, including Hannah Dora Livingston aka Darcina, or Dorcas...born in Louisana? or maybe the Darcina, since my daughter's name is Darcie , and I had no idea 38+ years ago that Dora/Dorcas/Darcina even existed. It's the things like this that you learn when you work on family history...some good, some not so...but sifting in the records makes the people alive. That's how you keep your loved ones living in your heart, you never stop saying their names. Dora Livingston Luke was the mother of my wonderful, wonderful grandma Webb. Della Lena Luke Webb ...married to Shell Martin Webb grandpa I never knew. But my grandma! she was 6 foot tall, ramrod straight posture and her hands never stopped, always crocheting, always moving. ...