Don't Worry, Be Healthy....

So today I realized that an embarrassing medical condition is not such a bad thing after all. The doc uses medical terms that I can't spell but make me giggle. I just use rough terminology to make a point and he chooses to ignore my "layman" verbs. In the middle we meet and I end up with a new lactose free / fructose free diet for the next 5 weeks to see how I react. I then I got back and we talk again.... we've done this before.

Here's the scoop, I have a good job with pretty decent medical benefits. If I need to go to the doctor I make an appointment and pay my co-pay (today's was $7.53) and I don't worry about the costs. Yes I have a two hundred deductible, but after that, the blood tests, sonogram, colonoscopy, and now a referral to a dietitian are covered 85 -90%, I am lucky..... as long as my job holds out.

But there are others who are not so lucky. What happens to them when they get sick? Emergency rooms are over whelmed with people with no medical insurance this is a known fact. Also known is that many Er's have closed because they can no longer remain open given all the financial strain. It's a vicious circle, and there is no end in sight. As humans we have the right to be healthy. We have the right to receive medical care. We have the right to expect to be diagnosed correctly. Women have the right to a healthy pregnancy.

What do you actually receive when you have no insurance? Care is a right, not a privilege, regardless of your ability to pay you have the right to receive care. So you should never have to worry about Care, instead you should only worry about counting the fingers and toes of that new baby you just gave birth too....


Anonymous said…
IF you are lucky, when you have no insurance you find a hospital that will take you on as a charity case and give you anywhere from a 100% medical fee reduction or a fee reduction according to your income and assets.The two years I had no insurance that is what happened to me.

I also was lucky that this same hospital had a free clinic in my area. The care was good, through but no extras, everything was cost prohibitive. While I was there I really would have needed another full spine MRI, but couldn't get it due to the cost the hospital would have had to incur.

Then when I finally was approved for SSDI I immediately got Medicare without the mandatory two year wait. This was possible because I waited over two years for approval.It is so sad to see what becomes of some of these people with no insurance and not the determination or skills to be an advocate for themselves. Those are the ones who end up in the ERs for basic care.There is a better way, here is the link:

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