Meet my buddies...

I'm going to share my blog...this one labeled fair words...plain talk...with friends I have that have such good things to say, important things to say, real things to say...from the perspective of lives they live. People from all over the country...all different backgrounds, education, occupations...mostly women, altho there are a couple of men I would love to read...we'll see. Many of my women blogging friends are military moms, and we connected as liberals, moderates of the Democratic party during the run up of Barack Obama to his election. We sat, online, computers in our laps..and watched his Inauguration together...we cheered, we cried, we covered our hearts with our hands when the National Anthem played and we shared it all with one another.

I'm blessed to have these women in my life, and I'm always amazed at their talent for sharing their thoughts.

I can't wait!


HRH0308 said…
thanks again for the invite Karen- this is gonna be fun!!!!
DesignTime said…
Wow, that day was a memory I will always cherish. My laptop, my TV, all my buddies from the four corners of this nation, our Navy pride, it was just awesome. Thanks for a great experience and thanks even more for continuing to keep our fold alive and well and blogging on...
Anonymous said…
I was there too , to share the joy of that moment with my "imaginary friends ",as my grown kids tease me with. Nothing imaginary about the bond we have developed as the minority in a place that holds much antagonism toward the minority. Nothing imaginary about the real strength , intelligence and heart of you ladies. We have remained close, we have spilled our personal and political guts to one another, proud to be one of the "imaginary friends".

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