Old Posts recycled to be new again......

Don't you just love a re-run!!!!

So I was reading the last 3 pages of CV - post Obama press conference.... these women kill me, they were bored! I guess having an articulate person in the white house is above their comprehension level. I am so baffled by their behavior. They just don't seem to get it.... Bush was the buffoon and it's only the 30% (or less) population believe that Bush was a good guy.

I have come to the conclusion that part of the problem is that the Democrates historically have not been organized (despite the recent election), but the GOP has a strong very vocal based run by the christian right. Don't get me wrong, I know there are some very strong Democrates out there, because they managed to get a strong message out this election, but we need that kind of passion for every election.

The CV voices have the ear of the powers that be, that's what gives them their meager strength. It's very early in this new administration. Let's breathe and allow them their false hope and dying dreams. They need to feel like they matter. Last night I was not bored by a man who tired to work both sides, I saw man a bit frustrated by the GOP's stubbornness.

Obama made some excellent points last night, especially when he brought up how he didn't like that there was critism by the very same people who bought the economy to it's current spirally condition.... he pointed fingers and I am glad he did.

Rachel Maddow used a graph last night that as startling, comparing the two previous recessions to the current one, this one is twice as big and occurred in half the time (compared to 2001), if people can't see beyond their noses (including the snot that is dripping) and see that this is a serious crisis, I don't know what to say to them. They have no clue- tax cuts don't work! People are frightened and won't spend that money- they'll save it! They need that "blankey" to make then feel secure and I don't blame them. I have every intention of saving my tax return money, I could spent it but I won't.

I was driving into downtown Reno last weekend and noted about a dozen shuttered businesses in a six block area, businesses that used to thrive and sustain a family, now gone.

Only support of our president and doing what we can to help (each in our own way) will turn the tide of anti-behavior. We are allowed to have a voice in this new administration and should be using it. Obama's change site is encouraging grass roots communities around the country, that's what got him elected, and that is what will help him succeed.

So, I say leave the neo-cons to lick their wounds. We have work to do.


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