New print addiction...recovery needed...

My first day without the newspaper...I have to admit I was relieved yesterday to discover that the carrier hadn't read his/her list, and my paper was, as ever, wedged under the tire of my van in the driveway. was a Monday paper, and we all know how sad a paper that is...all the good stuff in the Sunday Insight...Monday's paper is an afterthought.

To be honest...I'm not going cold turkey, I still will get Sunday...because the Statesman called and offered to deliver it for the same 1.50 it would cost at the corner least for a month anyway. Tapering off so to speak...

I would like a Wed/Sat/Sunday subscription, but it's a no go at the Statesman, altho the Corpus Christi Caller Times seems to be able to pull it off. The Caller has lost a few subscribers as friends there, a whole neighborhood's worth! dumped the Caller as of this week because the Caller quit carrying the TV Guide! are at least 8 households of which I am aware who have always had a newspaper on the lawn ( or in my case the last 5 years...under the car..) for decades...and now no. At Glenda's home, the one her parents bought all those years ago, the paper had been delivered for 53 years...and no more. I'm a short timer...this stint was only about 24 years.

I truly will miss it...tried to read the Statesman online this morning to discover YESTERDAY's articles on it! Yesterday's editorials, letters to the editor...yesterday's news. Now...will I keep writing letters to the editor..? or just scream in my blogs?

Have another Navy mom joining me in fair words..plain talk blog..


HRH0308 said…
I admit it - I am a newspaper addict. I could save cash by not getting it damn it's hard to give up on cheap news print!
Karen Webb said…
and it's hard to kick...I pick up the coffee cup, the tea cup and I step to the breakfast bar and NOTHING is there to read! It's like having blank cereal boxes, it's that much of a habit!

How does one eat a sandwich without a newspaper?

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