Growing up on Johanna St in Corpus Christi....

Corpus at sunset, I believe this photo is a Rick Avant one.

Things I remember about growing up in CC… The Horse Shoe Inn, and Margie and Bill McBride who stood with my mom after my Dad died when I was 6 years old. Riding old Tony who was the best friend a  sad little girl could have. Lexington Elementary where I was in first grade;  Kostoryz Elementary, all portable buildings….Mrs. Dobbs, Mrs McAllister…  and South Park Junior High and all those football players walking around singing “Duke of Earl”…and Mrs Rouse, my Texas History teacher who gave me a beautiful Texas Sketch Book. Also Mr. Pitts, and all those handwritten notes we copied from the black board. Walking all over town with Sharon and Karen, hitting the ball field over by Lexington Elementary…Ayers Theater via the bus…Wed night church with Wayne and Barry playing  those Everly Bros harmonies… Mary Carroll High School…..being told my skirts were too short when I grew from 4’ 11’’ to 5’ 7’’ in one school year. My mother suggested they either let us wear jeans or they could finance the new wardrobe. Being in Mr Harbin’s English class to hear JFK had been assassinated. Eating French fries every day for lunch with Glenda and wearing those stupid red keds. Girl Scouts with Mrs V. and the troop out off of Kostoryz Road. “Walking George”…saw him everywhere in CC…and he lived right down our street in a converted old bus that finally they put a big house in the front…right by Robert Dennis’s “Sugar Shack”…Standing on the second floor at CHS watching rumbles…football jocks against Hispanic kids, then being thankful those same Hispanic kids and their families were our friends and neighbors over the years on Johanna St. Hanging with Sharon and Karen....Wednesday nights at church listening to Barry and Wayne...

age 16 at Glenda Petty's.
 Having my senior class torn apart by the CC Board of Ed so they could have a senior class at the new King High School…and heading to the beach. Mrs Stokely who called me to ask me to come take my psych final so I could graduate with my class. Hanging out at Don and Dottie Presley’s Surfing Club and Tiki Club…where I heard bands like the Titans, Four Winds, George Jay and the Rockin’ Ravens…and watched the CC music scene pop with the Bad Seeds, Zachary Thaks, Ginger Valley….with amazing talents like the Pozo Seco Singers starting out. Listening to new Beatles records at Buccaneer Bowl…. Garner State Park… Also about the time I was driving Henry Edgington’s car and it caught on fire…”rack it up to experience” said the nice man who put out the fire on the side of Lexington Blvd. I have said those words to myself many times. Flippos at Six Points and my crazy friends there before the draft took them to fight real fights…

Vicki Lauderdale
c 1949 - 1969
You are missed.
.Picks over on Gollihar and Staples (watching Vicki Lauderdale tell everyone that hit the hole on the cruise through “watch out, there’s a hole there”…and being glad those Port A girls turned out to be friends instead of kicking our asses that night…) The Dunes in Port A…Max and the Laughing Kind, the Lingsmen…and great times dancing, hanging on the beach and falling in love.  Meeting and losing friends like Larry Traynam and Reagan Logue because we just were not old enough to recognize their struggles and reach out to make sure they knew they were loved no matter what. Writing all those letters to my friends in Vietnam, before I had the sense to pick up a sign and march to help bring them home. Doing some modeling with Ilo Cosby, working my first department store gig with my big brother outside the door just in case…and the beach, always the beach, always the water, that still draws me “home” when I can get there.

Johanna Street Kids
Brother Wayne and me...

They tried, they really did.


Ed Martin said…
Conversation started today
Ed Martin-From Houston


I am amazed that I don't remember you in CC. Reagan, Ringworm, Pete Moore, Casey Lovejoy, were all good friends of mine. I had know ringworm since the first grade at Elizabeth Street Elementary School. I ran around with Rickey Smith, Rick Carrothers, Danny Traylor, David Handley, Rick Horner, Donnie Watts, Bobby Binns, and anyone else who wanted to drink, and smoke pot. I remember Vicki Lauderdale, who did she end up marrying? One of those guys, right. I was very sad when I heard she had made her to transition to heaven. Do you remember Sharon Hodgens, and all her sisters. I am on my way in the next few weeks to see Sharon in CC. She is ill, and has been a friend for over 52 years, she was engaged to my best friend Rick Horner, in the early 70's, and dated him all though high school, too. Rick died in 1974, here in Houston from a gunshot wound in a bar fight. Really weird stuff. I moved to Houston in May 1970, after I got out of the Army Basic Training in Ft Polk, La. I was in the National Guard with Phillip Garner,and bunch of those guys. I came up here with Keith, and Rick Horner, lived at their Mothers house for a few months until I got a job, and enough money so Rick, and I could get an apt together here. I really took to Houston, it is a big over grown country town, and no ones knows about my trailer park trash background,unless,I tell them. LOLOLOL! Although I am not ashamed, and will never deny what I have done, I am not going to bring it up in polite conversation.LOL! The idea of having your blog is a great one, keeps everything on the same page. I will ask everyone to come here, and post on your blog. Thanks, for your piece, it was beautiful. Thanks!

Eddie Martin WB Ray '68

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