Hope and Lance

My friend, Linda, died in 2005 of breast cancer. Together, we volunteered for catering gigs for LiveStrong and Lance Armstrong, and through out the 6 long years she fought that cancer that took her life that bittersweet day at Christopher House...she and I became huge followers of the Tour de France and Lance Armstrong. We talked about doping and whether Lance did it or not...and I think it came down to we just didn't care....every time he won, she won....when he beat his cancer, she saw hope in beating hers....when she watched him sweat up those mountains with those people in his face screaming at him, and got to the top, she reached it with him. On that last day, she told me she'd be sittin' on Matt's shoulder the whole time he was in the military....to be very loud and proud at Spurs games.... to always think of her when I watch the Tour de France...and "you keep smiling". Am I disappointed to know Lance Armstrong lied? yes. But I cannot pile hate on him for being a human being.... especially when I see the benefits that LiveStrong has done for the cancer community, and when I remember Linda using him as a support during a time of great need. How many others? who knows...he beat cancer. Did he screw up? yes...but it's his loss....he'll never know if he can win the Tour de France...but he beat cancer. And provided a lot of hope for others trying to do the same. I like hope. I miss Linda.


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