Hoover Dam 2011 panoramic view from the Arizona side showing the penstock towers, the Nevada-side spillway entrance and the Mike O'Callaghan – Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, also known as the Hoover Dam Bypass

Rebuild America....Pass that bill.

I am little amazed that partisan politics could scuttle this jobs bill. America's infrastructure (yes, I use "that" word...) is falling to pieces. You can be driving down one highway in Texas or wherever, and simply changing counties can change the whole road surface, depending on the structure and wealth of one county over another.

Bridges across the US are being declared unsafe and/or in need of repair and reinforcement. It's so simple to me...a homeowner has to maintain that home, if not for cosmetic affect, for safety's sake. You do not wait for tragedy to happen to fix a problem you already have diagnosed and KNOW needs repair.

Our children are paying the price yet in Texas Rick Perry's lege has cut millions and millions from our children's education. Congressman Doggett had to file federal legislation just to bring to the front the fact that Perry was taking federal dollars, not matching it as the law instructed and denying those dollars to the recipients they were meant for...our kids in our schools. And now these kids, and kids across the country, are going to school in run down, dirty, aging schools, with all the dangers, both obvious and hidden, that that entails. It's just wrong.

I grew up in an oil refinery and construction oriented town....and I know putting those folks to work, and keeping them working means that a community thrives. The money is good, the small businesses that feed, clothe, entertain these folks will thrive...and hire even more people. Bridge projects, highway repair and installations, schools being built and repaired, all of this will transpose to dollars in the pockets of millions and millions of Americans...why on earth would anyone NOT encourage and vote for this?

Rebuild this country, fix the bridges, the highways, the dams, the stuff that makes our country safe and our country rich in pride and in hard cold cash. Give this population of unemployed something to look back on with pride..."I helped build that bridge..." As I do our family history, I find an uncle on the Denning side who worked on the Hoover Dam and it's with a huge surge of pride that when Uncle Bob is mentioned, this is one of his accomplishments we point to with great pride. On the Hachman side, we find an uncle who made the last weld on the St Louis Gateway Arch _Arch, again, always a story told by the older generation to the younger ones...and again, with great pride.

The USA needs some pride right now....our airways have been filled with such hate, animosity, and pure lies from a political party who simply wants one man to fail, and as Americans, this should be the one man that we always want to succeed, because he is our leader. And he's doing a damn good job for the hate being leveled at him...think what we could do with the success of this jobs bill....will we get the opportunity? or will hate win again?

Our young warriors are being hailed as yet another "greatest generation"...and they fight hard and honorably for the country for which they serve...will we offer them the chance to work hard here IN this country as they return from wars, build it back to the strengths it used to have? or will be toss their skills and discipline and proven love of country aside...all in the name of politics?

Will our children look back with their kids to say we stood up for America, we did the maintenance and hard work to keep our country strong and healthy, from the top to the bottom, with safe roads, schools, bridges, dams and all the housekeeping stuff that builds our country, builds jobs and builds pride in a job well done? or will they pay the price yet again.



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