Deerfield Massacre of 1704 My 6th great grandmother was Sarah Basset Webb Field Price, a Connecticut pioneer. Her husband, Zachariah Field , my 6th great grandfather, died in an Indian attack and she remarried to Robert Price . Their village was attacked by Indians, incited by the French, who burned their homes, and started a force march 300 miles to Canada in the winter cold. Weak, young or elderly were killed to keep the march moving quickly. The young pastor, who seemed to be the target of the raid, had a young wife who recently gave birth. I read where she was so weak, she and her husband said good bye on the side of a freezing river, and she walked into the water to die. An Indian brave went in and gave her a quick death with a slice of his knife. My 6xgrandmother was 54 , and viewed as too old to make the march and died on the side of the road with many others. (This Webb line is my secondary Webb line, not my father’s Webb line. T...