before deployment...
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 It’s the eyes... It's late, I should be asleep... but I remember my brother, the Marine...when my dad brother Tack was already gone to off to California to basic...and the scenes of my childhood kinda wander, not sure whether it was before Daddy died or after...I was only 6 years old, Dad died on my brother's first birthday...but anyway...I remember standing in our front yard, and Tack coming strolling across the field from the highway where he'd gotton out of the last car on his hitch home...and my mom's face and being so happy, just happy to have him home. My mother's face...pure joy, all her children home. I'm thinking about Tack because even as a little kid, I could see the chamges that the Marines and the military made in my big brother...the way he held his head, the discipline of his posture, the cut of his chin...and the look in his eyes. I see that same look in his nephew's eyes as I toured his myspace pics yest...