Birthday blog
Today, April 22, is my birthday. A year ago today my son was deployed as a corpsman with his Marine unit to Iraq. Left on my 60th birthday, snuck a phone call in at midnight and one more before his phone was shut off....he did not want to tell me the date of his deployment, he knew it wasn't the best choice. Today he's safe and sound in the USA...still a corpsman with Marines...and when he called this morning he asked if I remember last year. Do I remember? My handsome sweet boy, in a land where there are those who would kill or kidnap him simply because he is US son that always stood by the teacher as a kindergartner and first grader,, he was the youngest in his son, who is now a strong, mature man...who has a new gentleness in his voice when I answer the phone, who never lets me off the phone now a days without "I love you, mom, don't forget" son who always told me I had perfect grandchildren, a boy and a girl and I didn't need a...